
Sport Climbing in Spain

If you’re looking to take your climbing to the next level and want to develop your skills in the sunshine whilst exploring a new place, our Development Course in Spain might be just the course for you. Over the last decade Spain has become one of Europe’s premier winter-sun climbing destinations. The weather can be pleasant from autumn through to spring allowing you to escape during the colder UK months. Our courses run out of the Costa Blanca region, accessing all different venues depending on the make-up of the group.

Every course is inclusive of the following:

  • Guide/ Coach (MCI)
  • Equipment and guidebooks

If you want to make things super easy; accommodation, transport and lunches can be arranged at an additional cost. There is a range of restaurants and small shops for breakfast and dinner options and supplies. Call today to speak about your requirements.

Bouldering in Fontainebleau

Fontainebleau is the popular, world class and easily accessible bouldering mecca for climbers, offering a large number of classic problems at a variety of grades. Just 55 miles south of Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport or 5 hours drive from the Eurotunnel, this course is perfect if you want a jam packed climbing holiday.
This course will utilise different areas to suit your ability and allows you to explore and climb in this unique playground, develop techniques, look at your movement, increase your confidence and performance as well as to help you to work toward achieving any specific bouldering goals you may have set.
The course includes 3 days tuition and guiding with our experienced, knowledgeable and highly qualified coach, guidebooks and all boulder pads. If you require support with transport, food and accommodation please speak with us when making your booking for a bespoke package.
This course is perfect for those who are wanting to maximise their trip and get the most from their time in Font and don’t want to waste time figuring out what’s where!
The area has lots to offer for the family, so why not bring them along too!

Maximum ratio 1:4
Cost for 3-day private course £400.

If you wish to extend your trip and add extra days
the cost is £160 per day

Say Hello

To book yourself on to one of our courses please call us on 07908818151, email us at [email protected] or fill in our contact form and one of our friendly instructors will get in touch to chat to you about the details.

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